Thursday, October 25, 2012

Abby’s advice for sex at age 13? Use better birth control!

On Wednesday, October 24th, Dear Abby posted a letter from a 15 year old girl who had a miscarriage.  Abby advises:

Because the birth control you were using didn't prevent your pregnancy, you should ask a health care provider for advice about avoiding another unplanned pregnancy in the future. A staff member at your local Planned Parenthood health center or other clinic, or your own physician, can discuss all of your options and help you get the birth control you need.

What kind of advice is that?  Nowhere does she talk about the fact that 13 or 15 year olds should not be having sex, or admonish her at all for having sex outside of marriage, or even for having sex at such a young age.  The proper advice is, yes, to grieve, but to seek to repair your relationship with your parents and to stop having sex until marriage in order to avoid the physical, intellectual, emotional, social, plus moral and spiritual consequences of sexual relationships outside of marriage.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Position of the Presidential Candidates on Social Issues:

Abstinence-centered sex education ????* FOR
Same Sex Marriage FOR AGAINST
Taxpayer Funding of Abortion FOR AGAINST
School Choice and Vouchers AGAINST FOR
*President Obama cut all funding (Providing $0 of funding) for already-funded 5 yr grants for abstinence-centered programs totaling over $100 million. in fiscal 2010. Obama says
'And what I have consistently talked about is to take a comprehensive approach where we focus on abstinence, where we are teaching the sacredness of sexuality to our children. But we also recognize the importance of good medical care for women, that we’re also recognizing the importance of age-appropriate education to reduce risks. I do believe that contraception has to be part of that education process.'
Romney says: 'We have sex education in our schools. Let's also have abstinence education in our schools. Marriage and two parent families are fundamental to the development of children and to our success as a culture. We cannot afford to shrink from the timeless, priceless principles of human experience."

Angela McCaskill warning

Maryland voters will face the question of whether to vote for or against question 6 On Novmeber 6th, 2012.   Voters will be well advised to pay attention to the case of Gallaudet University associate provost of diversity and inclusion, Angela McCaskill.  Ms. McCaskill simply signed the petition to put Question 6 on the ballot in Maryland.  For that she was put on administrative leave from her job.  Two lesbian faculty members decided that it was inappropriate for her to serve as chief diversity officer and wrote a letter to Gallaudent Univesity president T. Alan Hurwitz.

Here in Washington DC I have had a similar experience.  In 2007, I was circulating a petition to remove the inclusion of language describing same sex relationships as normal in the revision of the DC Public Schools Health Education Standards.  (find out more about this here  Former DC Public School officials Richard Nyankori and Chad Ferguson called me in for a private, off the record meeting.  They stated that I was free to circulate the petition, but that if I did our HIV and pregnancy prevention and relationship intelligence program would not be welcome in DC Public Schools.   Nyankori and Ferguson also asked me what my position is on Same Sex Marriage.   I refused to answer, stating that it had nothing to do with our  program.  However, Nyankori and Ferguson made it clear that those not in favor of same sex "marriage' would not be welcome in DC Public Schools.  So much for "inclusion" and "diversity".

Legalization of same sex "marriage" in Maryland will have far reaching consequences.  Many of those who simply contributed to the campaign opposing legalization of same sex "marriage" in California were blacklisted and forced to resign from their jobs.  Check this blog.  Those who think that the push to legalize same sex marriage is just about allowing same sex couples to be "married" would do well to learn from the examples above.  Your personal and religious freedoms are at stake. Be sure to vote AGAINST Question 6 in order to preserve traditional marriage in Maryland as the union of one man and one woman.  Do not be fooled. A FOR vote is a vote to legalize same-sex marriage so you will want to make sure you vote AGAINST Question 6.